In the Wait Soaking Worship

Finding Joy in Worship

In the Wait Worship


Welcome to our live-streamed session of Cinematic Soaking Worship, where we blend live prayer, meditation, focus and study music. Today's session focuses on the theme of “Joy”. 

We really felt a sense of joy today when doing this session! In the book of Nehemiah in the Bible, chapter 8v10, Nehemiah tells those gathered that “the joy of the Lord is their strength”. We experienced this time and time again - when encountering the Holy Spirit, there is a sense of deep JOY! It’s not the same as happiness or pleasure - it’s not on a surface level- it’s a super deep sense of contentment and joy that is despite any earthy circumstances - it’s when we focus on Heavenly things and take on His perspective. Our prayer is that you experience this Joy as you soak / pray / worship to this too. 

This channel seeks to facilitate those God encounters… We’d LOVE to hear about your experiences in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any new releases. 

Live Worship & Soaking Instrumental Studio Stream | Prayer Meditation Music

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