In the Wait Soaking Worship
A live mix of live spontaneous lo-fi soaking worship, music instrumental for prayer, meditation, rest and study.
This channel seeks to facilitate encounters with God… These sessions are not so much to watch (although you may be interested in the live looping of violin / piano / vocals / Ableton Push with beats and synths!) These sessions are more to sit or lie back, close your eyes and let the music take you to a deep encounter with God. They’re all completely live - no post or pre-production… musical surprises and all!
Our prayer is that you may be able to focus on God or meditate on scripture as you listen.
We’d LOVE to hear about your experiences in prayer, so please comment…. & Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss out on any new releases.
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In the Wait Soaking Worship
Have Mercy Soaking Worship
Have mercy on us
This mornings session felt like a heavy one. I (Hannah) felt that we should focus on Pslam 51; King David’s poem of repentance. There is so much crisis around us - so many systems that are deeply broken in our society - not just in the UK, but around the world. Sometimes we just need to sit in lament & ask for mercy.
I personally wanted to pray for mercy too - some attitudes & behaviours of mine need ‘tweaking’ to say the least! It’s a horrible feeling when you feel convicted… BUT it’s amazing to know that God welcomes us with HUGE loving arms & forgives us when we come to him - knowing that we are made righteous - not through our own ‘good’, but through Jesus’ righteousness… His giving of Himself on the cross means we can be saved from the consequence of our own wrongs - that Jesus chose to take the consequences of sin upon himself, dying with them & as he came back from the dead - He brings us into a new life too!
I decided to sing the whole of Pslam 51 (I didn’t realise how long it was until I’d got half way through 😆) You might notice Theade leaning over to me and saying that we needed to ‘move on’ - but I hadn’t finished the psalm so we had to push through to the glorious end lol!
We hope and pray that this will be used as a tool for your own lament over situations you are undoubtedly facing too. May you know His comfort in your struggles. Blessings x
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