In the Wait Soaking Worship

Have Mercy Soaking Worship

In the Wait

Have mercy on us 

This mornings session felt like a heavy one. I (Hannah) felt that we should focus on Pslam 51; King David’s poem of repentance. There is so much crisis around us - so many systems that are deeply broken in our society - not just in the UK, but around the world. Sometimes we just need to sit in lament & ask for mercy. 

I personally wanted to pray for mercy too - some attitudes & behaviours of mine need ‘tweaking’ to say the least! It’s a horrible feeling when you feel convicted… BUT it’s amazing to know that God welcomes us with HUGE loving arms & forgives us when we come to him - knowing that we are made righteous - not through our own ‘good’, but through Jesus’ righteousness… His giving of Himself on the cross means we can be saved from the consequence of our own wrongs - that Jesus chose to take the consequences of sin upon himself, dying with them & as he came back from the dead - He brings us into a new life too! 

I decided to sing the whole of Pslam 51 (I didn’t realise how long it was until I’d got half way through 😆) You might notice Theade leaning over to me and saying that we needed to ‘move on’ - but I hadn’t finished the psalm so we had to push through to the glorious end lol! 

We hope and pray that this will be used as a tool for your own lament over situations you are undoubtedly facing too. May you know His comfort in your struggles. Blessings x

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